Another Untimely Filing Leads to Dismissal of Taxpayers’ Case

As I have written about previously[1], if a Tax Court petition is not timely filed, the Tax Court will generally[2] lack jurisdiction to hear such petition.[3] In the cases mentioned in my previous article, taxpayers’ petitions were dismissed for lack of jurisdiction despite the taxpayers having good excuses, such as (1) the taxpayers mailed their…
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McDougall v. Commissioner: Navigating the Complexities of QTIP and Gift Tax

The recent Tax Court decision in McDougall v. Comm’r, 163 T.C. No. 5 (2024) provides important insights into the intersection of Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) trusts and the associated gift tax implications. This article delves into the case’s facts, legal issues, court holdings, and practical implications for estate planners and tax professionals. Factual Background…
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Taxpayer Loses Theft Loss Deduction Case

In a recent Tax Court opinion[1], the taxpayer Michael Shaut (“Mr. Shaut”), representing himself, contested the IRS’s determination of a tax deficiency. The court had to decide on several key issues, including whether Mr. Shaut was entitled to deductions for theft loss, legal fees, and net operating losses, as well as whether he was liable…
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Maggard Case – S Corporation Phantom Income

We are often contacted by clients, other attorneys, CPA’s, or others, looking to deal with unjust tax outcomes. Often, we are able to assist in avoiding those results. Sometimes, however, tax law simply allows what many see as injustices to occur. This can be the case, for example, when owners of a pass-through entity, S…
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Navigating Gift Tax and QTIP: A Landmark Case

In a recent decision, the Tax Court addressed the complexities of gift tax and qualified terminable interest property (“QTIP”) rules, providing important insights for estate planning professionals and taxpayers alike.[1] The case centered on the interpretation of provisions related to the taxation of transfers between spouses, and in this context, termination of QTIP interests and…
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Non-Recourse Debt Forgiveness Bites Shareholder Upon Forgiveness

How is relief of debt treated for tax purposes? Does it matter if the debt is recourse or non-recourse? Does it matter if the debtor is a separate entity guaranteed by the owner(s)? Does it matter if the debt is forgiven as part of a sale of property securing the debt? These issues were addressed…
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[**Practice Alert: Corporate Transparency Act is Here: What You Need to Know**](
[**Practice Alert: Corporate Transparency Act is Here: What You Need to Know**](