Gage – Cashier Check Timing Case

We have covered timing and delivery issues in several articles, such as the recent Demuth and Hoensheid cases.[1] Similarly, the recent Tax Court case of Gage v. Comm’r dealt with the taxpayers that believed they paid a $875,000 settlement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) in December of 2012.[2] Unfortunately for the…
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Michael Jackson’s Estate, Valuation Battle of the Century

In May of this year the U.S. Tax Court issued a memorandum of opinion on the value of several assets included in the Estate of Michael Jackson (“Estate”) for federal estate tax purposes.[1] This opinion comes more than a decade after Jackson’s death in June of 2009 and provides some resolution (albeit subject to appeal)…
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Injunctive Relief Hiding in Plain Sight? CIC Services, LLC v. IRS

So, we did not write on the first District Court case which was a loss for CIC Services, LLC (“CIC”) and Ryan, LLC(“Ryan”), the Plaintiffs. But, a Supreme Court decision gave the Plaintiffs another bite at the apple. This case involves Notice 2016-66 (“Notice”), the older-sibling notice to Notice 2017-10, in which micro-captive insurance transactions…
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IRS Demands iTunes Cards? Beware the Dirty Dozen!

In January of 2002 the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued a press release highlighting a dozen different tax scams and encouraged taxpayers to “maintain national vigilance.”[1] This list was dubbed the “Dirty Dozen,” and the IRS has continued to issue similar press releases containing updated lists of purported tax scams for taxpayers to be on…
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Blossom Day Care Centers – The Income Tax Side

Last week, Charles Allen wrote about Blossom Day Care Centers, Inc. (“Blossom”) and its owners regarding their employment tax case.[1] Frequently, we write articles intending to remind readers of the importance of substantiation, especially in the income tax world. In reviewing Charles Allen’s article, I kept finding myself wondering about the income tax implications of…
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[**Practice Alert: Corporate Transparency Act is Here: What You Need to Know**](
[**Practice Alert: Corporate Transparency Act is Here: What You Need to Know**](