IRS Eases Portability Late Relief with Rev. Proc. 2022-32

“Portability” is the ability of a surviving spouse to elect to add his or her predeceased spouse’s unused estate tax exemption to their own estate tax exemption. For many clients, adoption of portability in 2010 (and making portability permanent in 2012) meant that complicated estate plans could be greatly simplified. Prior to portability, any unused…
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A Tale of Two Charging Orders

Many practitioners think limiting creditors of an LLC member to a “charging order” is a panacea. Other practitioners think the benefits of charging orders are overblown. Who is correct? Can a member’s judgment creditor access LLC property? In addition to a recent case from the Alabama Supreme Court[1], two other recent cases illustrate how charging…
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Crypto at ESA

Since we’re the cool, diamond-handed, trendy-loving, FUD(fear, uncertainty, and doubt)-crushing, FOMO(fear of missing out)-haters and at the same time professionals, now seems just as good of time as ever to discuss what we are doing at our firm to familiarize ourselves and become more competent in the ever-growing and evolving world of magic internet money,…
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IRS Demands iTunes Cards? Beware the Dirty Dozen!

In January of 2002 the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued a press release highlighting a dozen different tax scams and encouraged taxpayers to “maintain national vigilance.”[1] This list was dubbed the “Dirty Dozen,” and the IRS has continued to issue similar press releases containing updated lists of purported tax scams for taxpayers to be on…
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MTC Project on State Taxation of Partnerships

The Multistate Tax Commission (“MTC”) has recently started its Project on State Taxation of Partnerships (“Project”).[1] The proposed scope of the Project is to consider a number of issues relating to state taxation of income associated with partnership income or partner income from the sale of partnership interests. Importantly, the Project is commencing on the…
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Deny It Like It’s TOT – Conservation Easement Denial Upheld

It is no secret. Everyone likes reading and writing about syndicated conservation easements. In December 2019, the Tax Court ruled in the case of TOT Property Holdings LLC v. Comm’r.[1] The result was an unfavorable one for the taxpayer. The transaction in question was more-or-less a run of the mill syndicated conservation easement, albeit ending…
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Mississippi Supreme Court Strikes Down Medical Marijuana

Gray Edmondson previously discussed the tax considerations for Initiative Measure 65 (“Initiate 65”) and medical marijuana in Mississippi following the approval by a majority of voters in November 2020. However, it appears that Mississippians will have a while to wait before medical marijuana is actually legalized in Mississippi. On May 14, 2021, the Mississippi Supreme…
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Update on President Joe Biden’s Proposed Tax Policies

Introduction Last year I discussed President Joe Biden’s Proposed Tax Policy For Individuals, Charles J. Allen discussed the tax plans of the democratic presidential candidates, and Josh Sage discussed some of Biden’s potential changes. We are now a few months into President Biden’s tenure and the first ripples of tax reform can be felt by…
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Substance over Form: Friend of the Taxpayer?

In the recent Complex Media[1] case, the Tax Court addressed a taxpayer’s ability to recast the form of a transaction under the “substance over form” doctrine. Since taxpayers typically control the form their transactions take, tax decisions routinely stick taxpayers with the consequences of that form. Some courts have precluded taxpayers from even raising substance…
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[**Practice Alert: Corporate Transparency Act is Here: What You Need to Know**](
[**Practice Alert: Corporate Transparency Act is Here: What You Need to Know**](